Monday, February 14, 2022

Future of Mindfulness Engineering

On the Guru Viking podcast

In this episode special guest Dr Jud Brewer - pioneering psychiatrist, neurosciencist, and New York Times best-selling author - joins the ongoing conversation featuring:
 - Shinzen Young, meditation teacher and neuroscience research consultant
 - Chelsey Fasano, a Columbia University neuroscience student
 - Dr Jay Sanguinetti, Assistant Director for the Center for Consciousness Studies and Research Professor at the University of New Mexico
In this episode Dr Brewer gives a fascinating summary of his ground-breaking work, and shares his wildest secret dream for the future of neuroscience and humanity at large. Dr Sanguinetti and Shinzen reveal the latest science in their lab, and dialogue with Dr Brewer about pseudo-arhats and the power of conditioning. The panel also map the 4 noble truths using the latest neuroscience theories, debate the pros and cons of including subjective experience in serious research, explore how to translate academic language into common parlance, and raise serious concerns about healthy integration of altered states.

Friday, January 7, 2022

Finders Course, Jeffery Martin Research + Video

The latest academic research on the Finders Course and 45 Day programs:

A video presentation that features information about the "depth" and progress through the locations: